iPEN Consortium – Kick Off Meeting in Crete

The iTEM consortium consists of 16 Academic Institutions as iTEM Partners. Higher Educational Institutions from Greece, Denmark, Czech Republic, North Macedonia, Austria, Spain, Sweden, Israel, Kosovo, and Uzbekistan, have joined their efforts to implement and integrate the iTEM primary objective: To make students to realize the importance of Mathematics solving real-life problems. Moreover, the project’s consortium is even more extended with the collaboration with 15 Associated Partners (Associations, Universities and other Erasmus Plus Projects). More particular the iTEM partners are:
Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU) (Greece) is the coordinator of the project and participates with the Department of Electronic Engineering and the contact person is Dr. Konstantinos Petridis
Aalborg University (AAU)(Denmark) participates with the Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology from the Faculty of Engineering and Science. The iTEM local coordinator is Dr. Evangelia Triantafyllou
Czech Technical University in Prague (CVUT) (Czech Republic) participates with the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering. The iTEM local coordinator is Dr. Eva Feuerstein
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University (UKIM) (North Macedonia) participates with the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering. The iTEM local coordinator is Dr. Ivan Chorbev
UMIT – Private University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics, and Technology (Austria) participates with the Institute of Medical Informatics. The iTEM local coordinator is Dr. Elske Ammenwerth
Holon Institute of Technology (HIT) (Israel), participates with the Computer Science Department. The iTEM local coordinator is Dr. Nissim Harel
Hadassah Academic College (HAU) (Israel), participates with the Computer Science Department. The iTEM local coordinator is Dr. Laure Barthel
Weizmann Institute of Science (WIS)(Israel), participates with the Department of Science Teaching. The iTEM local coordinator is Dr. Ronnie Karsenty
The National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek (NUUZ)(Uzbekistan), participates with the Department of Mathematics. The iTEM local coordinator is Dr. Sadullaev Azimbay
Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Mukhammad al-Khwari zmi (TUIT) (Uzbekistan) participates with the Telecommunications Department. The iTEM local coordinator is Dr. Shakhobiddinov Alisher
University of Mitrovica ‘Isa Boletini’ (UMIB)(Kosovo) participates with the Applied Mathematics Department. The iTEM local coordinator is Dr. Faton Merovci
Universum College (UC) (Kosovo) participates with the Department of Computer Science. The iTEM local coordinator is Mr. Armend Berisha
Karlstad University (KSU) (Sweden) participates with the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics. The iTEM local coordinator is Dr. Adrian Muntean
The Universidad de La Laguna (ULL) (Spain) participates with the Department of Mathematics. The iTEM local coordinator is Dr. Rodrigo Trujillo Gonzalez
University of Pristina (UP) (Kosovo) participates with the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The iTEM local coordinator is Dr. Isak Shabani
Karshi Engineering – Economic Institute (KEEI) (Uzbekistan). The iTEM local coordinator is Mr. Alibek Eshev