iTEM actions are disseminated also through a network of 15 Associated Partners. The Associated Partners do not have an allocated budget but are very much interested in learning from the iTEM outcomes and disseminate the latter ones. Our objective is to extend our Associate Partners network during the iTEM project’s lifetime.

The Erasmus Capacity Building Project for Higher Education ACTEA

The Erasmus Capacity Building Project ACTEA (Applied Curricula in Technology for East Africa) envisions the cultivation of STEM in Uganda, Ethiopia and Tanzania. These objectives are very close to the objectives of iTEM. The 1st joined action between these two projects was a cross-training event between the two coordinators regarding the management of Capacity Building Projects. The event took place during the 6th Erasmus Week hosted by the Department of Electronic Engineering of the Hellenic Mediterranean University in Chania, Crete (20th to 25th of May 2019)

The Erasmus Capacity Building Project for Higher Education iPEN

The Capacity Building Project for Higher Education innovative Photonics Education in Nanotechnologies (iPEN) envisions the training of future nanotechnologists in the most modern photonic tools used right now in Nanotechnology. The targeted areas are Europe and Israel. The iPEN and the iTEM will collaborate to disseminate their outputs through their joint network of contacts.

The Erasmus Plus Strategic Alliance Project ‘Critical Skills for Electronic Engineers of 2020’

The Erasmus Plus Strategic Alliance Project ‘Critical Skills for Electronic Engineers of 2020’ – CRETE envisions the training of students in the most wanted hard and soft skills the 4th Industrial Revolution will request for them. Mathematics and more particularly the way to leverage the power handing Mathematics provides is the common playground between the two projects. Moreover, the two consortia will disseminate their activities through their network

Center for Research and Advanced Studies Institute (Mexico); Contribute in an outstanding way to the development of society through cutting-edge scientific and technological research and the training of high quality human resources. The Center will be used as the main vehicle to disseminate the iTEM objectives and outcomes in Mexico

Mathematics Association of Spain (Spain); the main communication & dissemination channel of iTEM with the Mathematical Society in Spain

Association Canaria Profesores de Mathematicas – Isaac Newton (Spain); the main communication & dissemination channel of the iTEM with the Mathematical Community in Canaria Islands

Israel Mathematical Union (Israel); the main communication & dissemination channel of the iTEM with the Mathematical Community in Israel

Ministry of Education of Israel (Israel); the channel through which the Israeli stakeholders will be informed for the iTEM actions

The Israeli Erasmus Office; the portal through which all the Israeli Universities and Colleges will be informed about the iTEM project

Karlstand GeoGebra Institute (Sweden); Free Software to visualize your calculations. It will be helpful for the iTEM objectives & community to understand deeper Mathematics. The Institute will help also iTEM project to evaluate its outcomes beyond the dissemination contribution will offer

The Swedish National Center of Mathematics Education (Sweden); the main communication and dissemination channel within the Mathematical Community in Sweden

Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics (Czech Republic); the main communication and dissemination channel with the Mathematical Society of the Czech Republic

Ministry of Education Science and Technology (Kosovo); the main communication & dissemination channel of the iTEM with the Mathematical Community in Kosovo

Wolfram Research (UK); they will provide guidance in Mathematics Education during the iTEM actions

The Abdullah Gul University (Turkey)

The Abdullah Gul University in Turkey and the Faculty of Educational Science have requested interest to join and learn for the iTEM actions. It is a pleasure for us to have on board as an Associate Partner, Prof. Elif Bengu. The AGU will be the iTEM portal in Turkey Higher Education